Saturday, January 31, 2009
Malaysia for Malaysians
Friday, January 30, 2009
It first began in 1997 as an initiative of the Black Flag collective in Switzerland along with the help of COBP (French acronym for Citizens Opposed to Police Brutality) of Montreal. Since its first year, the International Day Against Police Brutality (IDAPB) has been a success. This date was chosen because on March 15th, two children, aged 11 and 12, were beaten by the Swiss police.
This day of denouncing police brutality is also an opportunity to create and strengthen ties between groups that work directly or indirectly against Authorities brutality around the world. It permits the creation of an indispensable international solidarity in the fight against police forces that collaborate world-wide and are extremely well organized. The IDAPB, which concretely represents this solidarity, should not be overlooked as an element in the development and need to denounce police brutality. The day shatters the myth of unanimity about the virtues of the police (positive values promoted especially by TV cop shows and mass media). It also ends the isolation of groups and individuals who, engaged in this struggle, are subjected to daily repression.
The modern State's favoured instrument of repression, the police, is a fairly recent development in history: In the early 1800s, industrialisation is in full swing, people are migrating to the cities, becoming urban workers and swelling the proletarian class. Class conflicts increase when the bourgeoisie (urban ruling class) and industrial property (capital) live in close proximity to workers. With the increasing agitation and organisation of workers, the police are instituted to fight labour and protect industrial property.
Which "crime" shall be punished or not is left to the police's discretion; which laws shall be enforced, where and at what time, and especially who is forced to respect the law, is decided by the police. In effect, the police, the right arm of the Authorities, abuse its power on a daily basis and exercise its violence with near total impunity. The police continuously and everywhere violate the very laws that they are supposed to uphold. The police check identity, spy, double-deal, hustle, repress, ticket, despise, pursue, arrest, imprison, deport, harass and beat up; they inflict indignity, they torture and they kill. Their primary targets are the "undesirables of society," (the dangerous classes): the poor, the homeless, people of colour, immigrants and persons with irregular status ("illegal immigrants" and people who work under-the-table), sex workers, activists, the marginalised, student activists, organised workers, queer, gender-based and feminist activists and people who question and don't accept the legitimacy of the authorities.
In response to the widening gap between rich and poor, the deepening of poverty and the general deterioration of living conditions, governments invest in police forces to do what it takes to maintain order and social peace.
For example, there is the deplorable tendency during demonstrations of resorting to so-called less-than-lethal weaponry (tested in hardened regional conflicts like Northern Ireland, Palestine, Indonesia, etc.). In opposition to the State's drift towards fascism, we have the responsibility to act and support all victims of Police force.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
Happy Chinese New Year 2009

On behalf of DAP and family members, I would like to wish all Malaysian’s especially the Chinese friends with good luck and good fortune in this New Year by saying GONG XI FA CAI.
Once again Happy Chinese New Year.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Parlimen Malaysia , Bangunan Parlimen
Jalan Perlimen
50680 Kuala Lumpur
Yang Berhormat Setiausaha Dewan Rakyat,
Berikut adalah soalan-soalan bagi jawapan lisan dan bertulis:Sila ambil perhatian, saya pohon jasa baik agar tiada soalan pada bila-bila hari Isnin dalam sessi ini.
Jawapan Lisan
1.Minta Menteri Dalam Negeri menyatakan, bilangan sebenar anggota-anggota Polis yang terlibat dalam siasatan kes-kes jenayah dan apakah langkah Kerajaan dalam melantik Pegawai atasan yang berbilang kaum di PDRM?
2. Minta Menteri Sumber Manusia menyatakan, berapakah jumlah pekerja-pekerja syarikat swasta yang telah dan akan hilang pekerjaan akibat kemelesatan ekonomi dan adakah penubuhan TABUNG PEMBERHENTIAN KERJA (RETRENCHMENT FUND) akan dapat mengurangkan beban pekerja-pekerja?
3. Minta Menteri Pengangkutan menyatakan,
a) Berapakah kos dan unit lokomotif yang dibeli dan tidak diguna pakai oleh KTMB dalam jangka masa 10 tahun ini? dan
b) Kenapakah wujud krisis dalam perlantikkan Pengarah Urusan KTMB sehingga menyebabkan beberapa pengarah meletakkan jawatan sebagai tanda bantahan?
4. Minta Menteri Pengajian Tinggi, menyatakan jumlah pelajar yang diambil masuk ke Universiti Kerajaan mengikut komposisi kaum serta jurusan yang ditawarkan kepada mereka pada sesi pengambilan bulan Januari 2009.
5. Minta Menteri Kesihatan menyatakan,
a) Pernahkah Kerajaan merangkaikan satu jangka masa untuk membanteras penyakit DENGGI dan CHIKUNGUNYA dinegara ini? dan
b) Adakah kerajaan mempunyai satu ukuran masa sendiri dan sehingga kini apakah taraf pencapaian kerajaan dalam membasmi penyakit DENGGI dan CHIKUNGUNYA ?
6. Minta Menteri Sumber Manusia menyatakan
a) Adakah kerajaan pernah mengeluarkan laporan mengenai kes-kes penindasan pekerja-pekerja asing yang dibayar gaji rendah serta ditipu ?
b) Jika ada, apakah langkah dalam menangani isu ini dan jika tiada, Kenapa?
7. Minta Menteri Luar Negara, apakah langkah Kerajaan dalam menghindari keganasan yang berlaku di Palestin dan Sri Lanka dan sila nyatakan keefektifan serta paras kepuasan Kerajaan dalam pendiriannya?
8. Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan, definasi sebenar yang digunakan untuk mengukur kadar kemiskinan dalam mengimplementasikan pelbagai program di dalam RMK-9.
9. Minta Menteri Pelajaran menyatakan, jumlah wang yang diperuntukkan untuk sekolah-sekolah SK, SJK(C) dan SJK(T) bagi tahun 2009/2010 dan bilangan pelajar-pelajar di sekolah-sekolah ini pada 2009/2010.
10. Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan,
a) Apakah rasional dalam pemberian pencen kepada kakitangan kerajaan yang dijatuhkan hukuman; dan
b) Sila senaraikan nama pesara-pesara yang telah mendapat pencen ini dan jumlah ganjaran yang diterima.
Jawapan Bertulis
1. Minta Menteri Pengangkutan menyatakan, adakah kajian awal dilaksanakan terhadap beberapa model kereta yang tidak mempunyai tali keledar tempat duduk belakang dan adakah pengecualian saman akan diberikan kepada pemilik kenderaan sehingga satu jangka masa?
2. Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan,
a). Berapakah jumlah peruntukkan yang diberikan kepada setiap Kawasan Parlimen di Malaysia bagi tahun 2004-2009; dan
b) Sila senaraikan mekanisme perbelanjaan wang yang diperuntukkan bagi Kawasan Parlimen Ipoh Barat, Ipoh Timor dan Batu Gajah serta melalui saluran manakah ianya dibelanjakan?
3. Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan, adakah kerajaan menyediakan sebarang pakej khas termasuk peruntukan kewangan untuk semua kerajaan negeri berhubung penjagaan hutan simpanan dan binatang-binatang liar?
4. Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan,
a) Sila senaraikan maklumat-maklumat perjanjian antarabangsa yang ditandatangani oleh Kerajaan Malaysia; dan
b) Nyatakan perjanjian yang direktifikasi serta punca kelewatannya
5.Minta Perdana Menteri menyatakan
a) Kes-kes rasuah yang melibatkan kakitangan kerajaan dalam jangka masa 5 tahun dan jumlah yang dijatuhkan hukuman/disabitkan salah;
b) Adakah jumlah dihukum/disabitkan salah dibawah AKTA RASUAH mengalami penurunan disebabkan oleh kelembapan jentera Kerajaan?
1. YB M.Kulasegaran (Ipoh Barat) akan mencadangkan:-
“Bahawa Dewan ini mendesak Kerajaan untuk mengambil pendirian mengenai kezaliman yang sedang berlaku di Negara Palestin dan Sri Lanka yang tidak menghormati hak asasi manusia sehingga membunuh beribu-ribu nyawa yang tidak bersalah.”
2. YB M.Kulasegaran (Ipoh Barat) akan mencadangkan:-
“Bahawa Dewan ini mengambil maklum bahawa Kerajaan harus mengubahsuaikan cara kordinasi yang baru melalui penubuhan satu suruhanjaya untuk memantau kemajuan sekolah SK,SJK(C) dan SJK (T) serta pengambilan guru-guru tetap di sekolah-sekolah ini secara seimbang”
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Bacteria could limit dengue spread
An Australian study suggests bacteria could successfully be used to help fight the spread of dengue fever, researchers said.
Laboratory-bred mosquitoes infected with Wolbachia bacteria lived half as long as other mosquitoes, the BBC reported. Because only older mosquitoes are able to spread dengue, the bacteria could halt the disease, scientists at the University of Queensland in Brisbane said.
The findings are published in the journal Science.
Infectious disease experts say it is unclear whether the infected mosquitoes can spread far enough and fast enough to make a difference. Also, it is possible the mosquitoes could adapt to the bacteria, the report said.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Malaysian Government must intervene in Sri Lankan issues - MP. M. Kulasegaran
Rajan - TNS
KL: The Member of Parliament from Ipoh Barat, M. Kulasegaran urged the Malaysian government to get involved immediately to save the Sri Lankan Tamils. He said, this is the most opportune time for the Malaysian government to call on the Sri Lankan ambassador to express the Malaysian government’s displeasure on the developing catastrophic situation for Eelam Tamils.
Our government is showing great interests on the Israel-Palestine situation as well as our government also acted as a peace broker in the Bosnian and Thailand conflicts. It is important our government also do the same with Eelam Tamils as they are facing similar situation in Sri Lanka, M. Kulasegaran said.
Over 320,000 Tamil people are in dire need of assistance in the northern (Vanni) areas of Sri Lanka due to the bloody and brutal military operations against its own Tamil citizens. This situation have gone to the worst catastrophic humanitarian tragedy as Sri Lankan forces indiscriminately shelling and bombing them. From the beginning of this year alone, 28 civilians were killed and over 185 injured so far.
MP. M. Kulasegaran urged the foreign Minister, RAIS YATIM, Dato' Seri Utama, Dr., to call on the Sri Lankan ambassador to speak about the current situation in Sri Lanka and persuade them to bring a peaceful end to this protracted conflict soon as suffering of people in North of Sri Lanka multiplying to many folds.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
We want to hear from you
The negative thought of public opinion helps us discover a more positive way to find our solutions. Public opinion gives an insight to what we don't notice or hardly notice happening in our society or in our very lives. The strength of public opinions put proper prospects in place.
Sometimes it leaves room for individuals to think wisely and find solution to its problems. Public opinion exposes the ugly deeds of our day to day living and brings us to society to be examined and see where we stand.
Public opinion could also incite others. It could give way to someone acting disorderly in the society. Definitely, it is also negatively. In all God has given every man his or her sound mind to think and judge wisely. So, not all judgments is right. But extract the truth out of Public opinion to get to your right way and stick to the path.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Perak Cave Temple rockfall, two injured, one missing
A man and a woman were injured when a rockfall occurred at the Perak Cave Temple in Jalan Kuala Kangsar this afternoon.
Rescuers are looking for the temple’s security guard who is listed as missing following the rockfall which smashed the staircase at the top of the temple, commonly referred to by locals as Perak Tong.Besides the trio, 16 other people were trapped until police and firemen managed to rescue them three hours after the 3.15pm incident.Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin, who visited the scene, said rescue work had been stopped temporarily as the situation was too risky at the moment.The guard’s motorcycle had been found parked in the compound of the temple.
“We are waiting for search dogs to be brought in to locate any possible survivors in the cave,” said Nizar.He said any vibrations felt in the cave would put a stop to efforts to locate the guard or anyone else who may have been trapped.One of the injured, a man suffered a broken leg, and appeared to have lost a lot of blood, he was admitted to the Raja Permaisuri Bainun Hospital.The woman, meanwhile, sustained light body injuries. Both were in their 20s.The cave temple, built in 1926, is a popular tourist destination. It has been ordered to close until further instructions.

Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tunjuk Perasaan di Masjid Tanah,Melaka 20/12/2008

Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Why we need Deputy Mayor?
The Mayor, and in his or her absence the Deputy Mayor, has the following roles or functions:
a. To uphold and promote the purposes of the council's constitution and to interpret the constitution where necessary.
b. To preside of meetings of the council so that its business can be carried out efficiently and with regard to the rights of councillors and the interests of the community.
c. To ensure that the council meeting is a forum for the debate of matters of concern to the local community and the place at which Members who are not on the Executive or do not hold committee chairmanships are able to hold the Executive and committee chairmen to account.
d. To promote public involvement in the council's activities
e. To attend such civic and ceremonial functions as the council and he or she determines appropriate.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Lower and Middle income earners are effected
Media Statement by M. Kula Segaran MP for Ipoh Barat and DAP National Vice Chairman released in Ipoh on the 3rd of January 2009
Call for an immediate DEBT MORATORIUM by Bank Negara to ease the crippling effect on the lower and middle income earning group from the anticipatory economic slow down confronting Malaysia.
The global economic slowdown has crippled many nations. A world wide recession is highly expected in 2009.
Malaysia though having forecasted a budget deficit of more than 4% of GDP for year 2009 but however with its RM119 billion trade surplus for the year 2008 (Jan – Oct), a strong foreign exchange reserve to the tune of US 96 billion and acceptable foreign direct investment of RM41 billion from January to October 2008 has maintained economic fundamentals that is noteworthy.
These respectable economic fundamentals can be attributed to the many public listed companies and large corporations with their good market performance though confronted with difficult times.
However Malaysia is not expected to escape the anticipatory economic slowdown due to declining global trade demands to which our economic fundamentals are strongly dependant upon.
While many public listed companies and large corporations may have already put in place various strategies to withstand this difficult time in the immediate and mid term period without the assistance of the Malaysian Government, the same cannot be said for the lower and middle income earning group which may well include small and medium size industries including cottage industries which is the back bone of almost all nations.
Amidst a revised GDP forecast from 5.7% to 3.5% by the Government of Malaysia, some analysts are openly predicting negative growth for Malaysia in 2009. A negative growth for a period of two months will plunge Malaysia into a recession. The result of a recession is one that we have experienced in the mid 80’s and late 90’s with devastating consequences to many.
We are already witnessing lay offs. Many factories have begun to cut over-time work of its employees. Some for example Carsem Semi Conductors with employment capacity of approximately 10,000 is expected to implement four days a week working hours.
Such urgent measures and drastic steps implemented by these companies indicate that the worse is yet to come thus calling for an immediate intervention by the government of the day to minimise the impact of this slow down and further safe guard the interest of the nation as a whole.
A government statistics released in Parliament on the average household income of Malaysians during the last sitting reveals that 80% of the Malaysian population namely those in low and middle income earning group including small businesses and cottage industries earn less than RM5000.00 a month which makes them vulnerable group and is expected to be hit the hardest during the anticipated economic slow down.- see Appendix-1
The sudden and unexpected increase of fuel (petrol and diesel) prices in June last year had a serious impact on the dramatic increases in the prices of basic and essential goods and business rents. Though in recent months the fuel prices had seen a steady decline but the prices of these basic and essential goods remain with no indication of any decrease thus deeply hurting the purchasing power of these vulnerable group of people.
Surveys conducted show that the low and middle income earning families spend more than 70% of their earning on basic needs leaving them with no surplus for any contingent events.
Low and middle income earners having tightened their belts because of recent unpopular government economic policies are now expected to tighten their belts further with serious consequences that may lead to loss of purchasing power and disappearance market liquidity. The result could be catastrophic.
Some alarming facts that require the urgent attention of the Government are as follows:-
1. The outstanding housing loan to financial institution as at year 2007 is RM86.7 billion (excluding RM26.8 billion to Treasury Housing Loan Division).
2. With the current economic slow-down, many industries in Malaysia had implemented a 3 or 4 days a week flexi working hours. The possibility of large scale voluntary separation schemes and retrenchments of workers are inevitable if the situation worsens.
3. If the middle and low income earning group of workers under forced reduction of pay represents only 10% of the outstanding housing loans, and with a possible loan defaults, a sum of RM18.67b would be expected as non performing loans (NPL) with bankruptcies and forced liquidation. These forecasted scenarios will have adverse social consequences and will affect the prices of houses in secondary market which will put pressure on the primary market.
We call upon Bank Negara to immediately intervene and take urgent steps to mitigate the worsening economic situation by necessary banking directives to financial institutions to permit and impose a debt moratorium to earners of household income of RM5000.00 and below in the following manner :-1. A debt moratorium on monthly progress payment on interest free basis for a period of two years or until such reasonable period of time depending on the stabilisation of market conditions.
2. Re-scheduling of end-financing loan documents (This CSR initiative by financial institutions had been recently adopted in UK).
A timely intervention by Bank Negara to provide assistance to these affected groups may prevent unmitigated social ills including the flourishing of illegal and unsupervised money lenders with unchecked and uncontrollable financial transaction that can pose serious threat the national security and stability of our country.
M.Kulasegaran .
Less than RM1,000 per month- Total household is 496,500
301,000 - Malay, 50,900 - Chinese, 29,000 - Indian, 29,300 - Kadazan, 7,500 - Orang Asli, 78,800 - Other ethnic group
From RM1,001 to RM2,000 - Total household is 1,695,900
976,500 - Malay, 338,300 - Chinese125,300, - Indian38,800 - Kadazan, 9,800 - Orang Asli, 207,200 - Other ethnic group
From RM2,001 to RM3,000 – Total household is 1,144,700
614,700 - Malay, 300,800 - Chinese, 121,500 - Indians, 15,300 - Kadazan, 2,500 - Orang Asli, 89,900 - Other ethnic group
From RM3,001 hingga RM4,000 - Total household is 743,000
380,500 - Malay, 234,700 - Chinese, 73,300 - Indian, 8,900 - Kadazan, 1,000 - Orang Asli, 44,600 - Other ethnic group
From RM4,001 to RM5,000 – Total household is 497,800
254,700 - Malay, 166,600 - Chinese, 44,800 - Indian, 6,900 - Kadazan, 200 - Orang Asli, 24,600 - Other ethnic group
From RM5,000 to RM10,000 – Total household is 914,200
419,200 - Malay, 368,400 - Chinese, 76,800 - Indian, 13,400 - Kadazan, 36,500 - Other ethnic group
From RM10,001 to RM20,000 - Total household is 235,300
85,700 - Malay, 118, 700 - Chinese, 23,400 - Indian, 800 - Kadazan, 6,700 - Other ethnic group
RM20,000 and above – Total household is 49,500
16,500 - Malay, 27,900 - Chinese, 3,600 - Indian, 1,500 - Other ethnic group
Me not quitting the DAP!
Special Note :
Many have called me to day to ask is it true I have resigned as a City Councillor and worst still from the DAP. How can i resign when my term as a City Councillor expired on 31stDecember2008! My membership in DAP is in tact. I have never ever dreamed of living the DAP. Even to day i recruited some new members.
The write up in the NST should be ignored and it is as follows:
IPOH: DAP stalwart M. Kulasegaran has dropped a bombshell on the party -- he will announce today his resignation as an Ipoh city councillor.
Sources told the New Straits Times that the member of parliament for Ipoh Barat was forced to take this drastic action as he felt that he could not serve effectively the people in his "lowly" position as councillor.Observers said that Kulasegaran's decision was because of a power play in DAP.It is another blow to the credibility of the Pakatan Rakyat state government, which is facing a "revolt" from certain Parti Keadilan Rakyat elected representatives, who defied a directive against holding elections for village chiefs. The brewing political storm in Perak comes in the wake of the war of words between Kapar member of parliament S. Manikavasagam and Klang member of parliament Char-les Santiago with the Selangor assembly speaker Teng Chang Khim over the relocation of the Klang bus station to Meru.
A DAP assemblyman revealed that Kulasegaran might be taking a preemptive move against Local Government Committee chairman Nga Kor Ming's plan to appoint a lawyer as deputy mayor.Kulasegaran, a three-term MP, was promised the post of deputy mayor shortly after the March 8 general election."How would you feel if you were in Kulasegaran's shoes?" asked the assemblyman.The lawyer, in his early 50s, had previously worked with Nga.When Pakatan Rakyat took over the state government after March 8, Kulasegaran was hotly tipped for the Ipoh mayor post.Political considerations, however, forced a change of plan and Kulasegaran was promised the No. 2 post instead."The Indian community has high expectations of Kulasegaran and failing to secure the post has embarrassed him."I know for a fact that he did not take even a single sen from his councillor allowance as a matter of principle," said an associate.
The appointment of a deputy mayor was raised several times in the past, which saw Nga passing the buck to Menteri Besar Datuk Seri Mohammad Nizar Jamaluddin."It is up to him to decide," Nga was quoted as saying.The decision to sideline Kulasegaran could stem from Nga's insecurity, said a source."Nga knows that Kulasegaran will do a good job as deputy mayor. He is afraid Kulasegaran will overshadow him in his (Nga) capacity as the exco in charge of local government." Kulasegaran said he would call a press conference today.
Friday, January 2, 2009
What is the consequence if we cannot question the Malay preferential treatment?
I refer to the presentation of a memorandum to protect Malay rights to the secretariat of the Penang Yang di-Pertua Negri on 29th Dec 08 by members of the Yayasan Aminul Ummah Malaysia. During the presentation, YAUM President Md. Radzi Daud was reported to have said that no one should question Malay preferential rights and privileges which had been entrenched in the Constitution.
Obviously certain groups have not yet taken to heart the results of the recent elections in Penang and in many other parts of the country in which at least half of the country’s electorate – including many Malays – rejected UMNO’s approach to the issue of NEP and other aspects of so called Malay entitlement and preferential treatment.
Why we cannot become a developed nation?
The basic characteristics of a developed nation are economic well being, social cohesion, cultural freedom and political democracy.
An ethnic approach to wealth accumulation and distribution in Malaysia has underpinned national policymaking and implementation for over 38 years since the introduction of the NEP in 1970. In no other country in the world is there to be found a similar preoccupation with ethnic preference as seen in the longevity and wide array of NEP policies.
Many experts and laymen are of the opinion that continuation of the NEP – which currently affects virtually all aspects of the economy and human resource development – represents Malaysia’s biggest obstacle to competitiveness, social cohesion and meeting the goal of becoming a developed country.
But what are the true facts of NEP achievement or under-achievement?
Bumiputera achievement
Basing on conventional accounting principles, the Malays have already achieved the 30% target of Bumiputra equity ownership. Bumiputra presence in all the major modern sectors of the economy including banking, plantations, aerospace, defence, oil and gas, energy and utilities have not only grown tremendously but is also well entrenched. A strong Malay professional and business class had been built up during the past 30 years at an unprecedented speed – probably the fastest ever experienced by any marginalized community anywhere in the world - and this group no longer needs special crutches. Policy emphasis should now be placed on nurturing competitiveness and excellence for all groups in the country, especially the SMEs, to enable the country to meet global challenges.
Broad base of Malay professionals
In fact, after over 30 years of NEP implementation, many Malays have already graduated and are more than capable of standing on their own merit without the safety net. Where are the large numbers of successful Malays to be found, some sceptics of YAUM may ask? The easiest way to answer this is for the government to make available the statistics on Bumiputera employment in the Higher Occupational Categories and in the Professions. Such a table showing Bumiputera achievement was included in the Third Outline Perspective Plan document, 2001-2010. That table showed that Bumiputras had already comprised 63.5% of the population for the Professional and Technical Category of employment by the year 2000.
Malays should be satisfied with their achievement and be willing to dismantle the NEP.
The truth of the matter is that the NEP has been successful and the Malays uplifted. If this vital information were made publicly available, there will be less talk about Malay under-achievement and less insecurity within the Malay community that they are losing out to the other races. In fact they should be justly proud that they are most probably the majority ethnic community in many highly paid and prestigious occupations.
That this information is not disseminated is due to the lack of transparency of the official statistics provided to the public. Malaysia is badly lagging behind many countries in ensuring that its statistical system is accessible and transparent.
Let us remember too that Umno, the main beneficiary of NEP, does not lead but dominates.The party holds 22 of 31 Cabinet positions.
If the NEP is such an impediment to progress, why has it not been dismantled? The most obvious reason is that it is in the interests of the dominant elites that this policy be continued perpetually in its present form. The ruling party has enormous resources and tremendous capacity to co-opt or coerce dissenting elements that question the NEP into staying passive or compliant within the fold of the system.
Despite the official coercion backed by the notorious Sedition Act and ISA, many Malaysians have become increasingly restive, disenchanted and demoralized. Ethnic tensions are rising, deliberately stoked by those who want to keep their grip on power. To heal the division in the nation, the NEP, one of the mains causes of widespread disaffection among Malaysians who voted in unprecedented numbers against the Barisan Nasional, has to be dismantled.
Current economic scenario
Various international and national socio-economic indicators show that Malaysia’s economic future is getting more difficult and stormy. These indicators include recent global competitiveness, inward FDI performance, stock market capitalization, government inefficiency, business inefficiency, government intervention in the economy and corruption level. Other subjective indicators such as the sense of material well-being and security, socio-political stability, civic freedoms, religious tolerance, etc. also reveal a worrying situation.
The most important indicator is our GDP per capita. In 1970 when the NEP was first introduced, our GDP per capita was about the same as Singapore, Taiwan and South Korea. After 38 years, Singapore is 3 times, Taiwan is 2.5 times and South Korea is 2 times our GDP per capita. All Malaysians must have the right to question this poor performance of our nation and the policies such as the NEP that have been responsible for it.
All our political leaders must find out why and how these neighbouring countries can out perform us despite their lack of oil, gas and other natural resources.
The best way forward
All our political leaders, in both the ruling parties and the oppositions, should play less politics and concentrate on improving our national economy. They must not be afraid to discuss sensitive issues, like the Malay preferential rights to make radical changes. Only a new road map based on more equitable, enlightened and inclusive principles can bring out the best amongst all communities. Only a new social-economic order based on national unity, equity, justice and growth- one in which marginalized and vulnerable Malays and non Malays are provided equitable assistance, combined with a system of meritocracy that rewards the best, irrespective of race- can guarantee the future for Malaysia.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
Council to review new working hours
The new working hours from 7am to 4pm, implemented in September, had disrupted the routine of some of the workers, he said.
Raising the matter during a winding-up speech yesterday, Kulasegaran said he was told that Muslim workers found the new time to be a problem for them, particularly during Friday prayers.
“There were also women workers who found it difficult to return to work until 4pm after having gone home for lunch,” said Kulasegaran, who is also Ipoh Barat MP.
“General workers, who had to take extra work in the evening to supplement their family incomes, also found it problematic because they could only start work later,” he said.
The former working hours from 6.45am to 2pm were changed in August, beginning with the Manjung Municipal Council, Kula-segaran said.
“When the new hours were implemented by the Ipoh City Council in September, I received many complaints from the workers,” he said.
“I hope the council will look into the matter and review the policy,” he said. Datuk Bandar Roshidi Hashim, at a press conference, acknowledged that certain groups of the 900-odd general workers found the new working hours to be problematic.
He added that the council would review the working hours following their complaints. On exploration work for the lost tunnel linking Ipoh Town Hall and the High Court, Roshidi said the council would be seeking the expertise of Heritage Department Com-missioner Datuk Prof Zuraina Majid.
He hoped work to look for the tunnel would start next month.
New Year Gift For Poor Students
The “Program Bantuan Persekolahan 2009” program was initiated by the Majlis Bandaraya Ipoh as a response to the poverty. Cooperating with the State Government, MBI decided to sponsor 600 poor students selected from different city zone. These students are either orphans, from single-parent families, or the children of laid-off workers.