Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The Laws Of The Constitution Of Perak

The leader of the Perak assembly YAB Dato Seri Nizar had an urgent audience with the Perak Sultan on 4thFebruary09. During the meeting His Highness consent was asked by Nizar to dissolve the state assembly. Unfortunately the Sultan refused. Why?

It took nearly 10 days after the General Elections of 8thMarch08 before Nizar could be sworn in as MB on 17thMarch2008. But it took less then 3 days after the request for dissolving of the State Assembly by Nizar for Zamri to be appointed the new MB of Perak. Why the hurry? Were the provisions of Perak Constitution properly followed?
To download the latest of the Perak constitution click tho this link :


Anonymous said...

YB Kula,

During 308 GE, BN was so confident that Perak will never fall to opposition. But it did. Why 10 days for Nizar to be MB, the previosu MB and his Exco was in a rush and need 10 days to clean all their shit and wrong doings document from their offices and personnel projects.

Now, why in just 3 days Zambry is appointed the new MB? Because the BN wants to and not the sultan decision. Also, BN worry that there will be a turn around from the rakyat demanding and rights for the PR to run back the government.

Whatever it is, when BN say YES, nobody can say NO.

Best Regards
Leong WK

Anonymous said...

When PR took over Perak, Nizar shouldn't be the mb as well since pas has the small seat and Sultan is the one who prefer him. I remember it took longer time due to the submission for the post by pr..